Hash One
Advertisement Display System
Our brain reacts to something new, unique and to movement. Just think how easily you notice a modern neon advert in a shopping window, but it is only a lighting advertising tool. Our eyes have learnt from thousands of years to catch any movement - this is our human subconscious response. As the saying goes, the three most important factors in your business are location, location, and location. Capitalize on your most important resource. This outdoor impulse buy is quite different. Instead of reaching existing customers already inside your store, "Hash One" brings more traffic in your stores. This added volume of customers dramatically increases your sales.Traditional ads are dead on arrival. They last from 30 seconds to 24 hours. "Hash One" gives you the ability to create a brand new ad every day, hour, minute, or few seconds, free of charge. You can change the marketing to meet the goal if the messages are performing because you own the medium. This flexibility can't be matched.If you decided to advertise on an outdoor billboard, your monthly rental cost could be thousands of dollars for one static image. Showcase your products by day part messages and keep your advertising fresh and in real time. More importantly, customers will not get tired of looking at your sign because it is new content every time.
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